Land your perfect job faster with personalized support.
We’ll curate job openings, research prospective employers, and write your cover letters.
You'll receive job recommendations based on your resume and any additional information you provide, such as your preferences for certain types of jobs.
We display two groups of jobs: one for the entire United States and one for the New York Metropolitan Area.
👀 Company research done for you
📄 Cover letters written for you
✏️ Auto-fill application forms
Simply sending in your resume used to work well, but that was before LinkedIn's Easy Apply button made it possible to apply to a hundred jobs in a day.
Today, you're up against a thousand other applicants. It's not that they're better than you; it's just that everyone applies everywhere.
By focusing on the jobs best suited to you, you can spend more time landing the perfect job. We'll enable you to aim for quality over quantity.
Contact us. We'd love to hear from you!
Feel free to connect with our founder on LinkedIn.